
biopal.ground_cancellation.ground_cancellation.ground_cancellation(data_stack, kz_stack, multi_master_flag, z_emph, eq_flag, pho_r, theta_look, ground_slope)#

Ground Cancellation APP

Computes the ground cancellation from input data stack.

data_stackdict of dicts containing 2D numpy arrays

stack of calibrated, ground steered SLC images; it is a dictionary of two nested dictionaries (acquisitions->polarizations) where each data_stack[ acquisition_name_string ][ polarization_name_string ] is an array of shape [Nrg x Naz]

kz_stackdict of numpy arrays or double

phase-to-height conversion factors; needed if num_acq > 2. It is a dictionary where kz_stack[acquisition_name_string] is an array of shape [Nrg x Naz] or a scalar for constant geometries


manage master:

  • if true average notch is computed with all possible masters

  • if false average notch is computed automatically selecting the best master

  • in both cases, only if more than two acquisitions are present

z_emphdouble or 2D numpy array

two choices:

  • can be a scalar value for forest height [m] used in the processing to determine the vertical wavenumber for which the ground cancelled data is generated; only with more than two acquisitions

  • can be a 2D map of shape [Nrg x Naz] and in this case the space varying feature is enabled


backscatter equalization, with possible values “1”,”2”’ or “3” where:

  • “1” equalization OFF

  • “2” equalization ON

  • “3” if just two acquisitions are present in each of the used stacks is ON, otherwise is OFF


slant range resolution [m]

theta_look2D numpy array

off-nadir angles map [rad], it is an array of shape [Nrg x Naz]

ground_slope2D numpy array

terrain slope map [rad], it is an array of shape [Nrg x Naz]

GroundNotchedSLCdict containing 2D numpy arrays

dictionary containing three polarizations, each composed by an [Nrg x Naz] ground notched SLC image.